Keeping up with email can seem futile.
If left unattended, that pile of ignored email comes back to bite you where it hurts – on your bottom line.
One unanswered email could represent one lost client or worse, a problem with a current one.
So, do you manage your email or does it manage you?
Are the “chocolates” coming too fast?
What is E-response?
Email response (E-Response) is service that manages your emails when you can’t.
It then gets distributed delivered to you via Email, SMS or telephone.
You can’t work 24/7 but call centre’s do.
Whether your business operates day or night, open or closed it doesn’t matter.
Digital communications don’t respect time zones.
Clients communicate at their convenience, not yours.
Client inquiries, complaints and requests will continue to arrive.
The internet begets short attention spans.
We’ve come to expect prompt responses
How long should we wait for an email response?
If you think that email can wait a day or two, check out this research done by USC Viterbi School of Engineering
1. Half of us expect a response within an hour.
- Thanks to portable electronic devices, about 50% of replies are sent in fewer than 60 minutes.
2. After 48 hours days, there’s little chance of a response.
- There’s a 90% likelihood that you’ll get a response within a day or two if the recipient is going to reply.
3. Teenagers respond the fastest.
- It should come as no surprise that teenagers usually reply in 13 minutes or less.
4. Young adults aren’t far behind.
- If you’re emailing someone between 20 and 35, the average response will be 16 minutes.
- The response time goes up to 24 minutes for individuals ages 35 to 50.
5. Older adults take the longest.
- People over age 50 take an average of 47 minutes to reply, but they tend to write longer messages compared to their younger counterparts.
6. Gender plays a small role.
- A response from a woman may take about four minutes longer than a response from a man.
7. Platform matters.
- Respondents using a laptop tend to take almost twice as long as mobile phone users.
How does E-response benefit you?
You avoid pissing off a client by not responding to their message.
Customers want a business to listen and respond.
In this case, 1+1 = 3 (as in strikes)
– Encourages customer loyalty
Customers need to know they matter. Long wait times, automated responses or no response at all say “we don’t care.”
– Helps create business opportunities
Addressing customer’s problems promptly increases sales growth potential.
– Lets you focus on your priorities
E-response lets you concentrate on what matters most.
i24 Call Management Solutions distributes your incoming messages via email, SMS or phone.
Call us at 800-667-6767 for more information.