What Can a Call Answering Service Do for You?
Call answering service has not only evolved with technology over the last decade, but in many cases, advanced it by researching and implementing ways to improve client/caller service with it.
Long gone are the days when answering services simply answered the phone and took a message. Now, professionally trained customer service agents manage calls by assessing the needs of the callers, and responding to those needs with the numerous options available to them. It seems ironic that answering services were once thought as obsolete when answering machines (remember those?) and digital messaging platforms appeared.
We need real human to human communication more now than ever
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to usher in a new era of technological advance or the apocalypse depending on who you’re listening to. i24 has always been at the forefront of technology but only when it serves our commitment to serving our clients with empathy, something AI isn’t yet capable of.
Are you able to answer your phones twenty-four hours a day, three hundred, and fifty-six days of the week?
Because you can simply appoint someone in your company as the on-call person because they can be reached by their cell phone, doesn’t mean you should. Are you ever sure their phone is charged – that they haven’t forgotten it in a taxi – put it on vibrate and fell asleep or worse, your customer is going to hear a toilet flush when the end the call?
Hiring a call service gives you round-the-clock peace of mind knowing your calls will be answered quickly and professionally.
Are your website contact forms being monitored and replied to?
If you have a business website, you likely have a “contact us” page.
Are you risking revenue by not rapidly responding to those web submissions?
“Firms that tried to contact potential customers within an hour of receiving a query were nearly seven times as likely to qualify the lead (which we defined as having a meaningful conversation with a key decision maker) as those that tried to contact the customer even an hour later—and more than 60 times as likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer. ~ Havard Business Review
Does being put on hold drive you around the bend?
Many answering services continue to work in a two – or even three-line call environment. The result is agents having to juggle between callers.
i24 agents never put people on hold to respond to other calls. No more “one moment please” as we handle your calls from beginning to end.
Think of us as your virtual receptionist.
“Without data you’re just another person with an opinion.”
Your customer’s calls leave behind a lot of data. Why not use it to help you grow your business.
Your caller data management tool can: Track caller results – Discover trends – Identify problems and trends – Learn what your customers want – Avoid repetitive personal data mistakes by collecting names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. and auto filling them in your caller history.
Generate custom reports on any aspect of a call to learn: Territory – Product Type – Categories – Advertising Sources – Demographics
How Does i24 Call Answering Services Bill?
A per-minute rate: clients are billed based on the time agents spend on the phone with their customers.
A monthly retainer: i24, like many professional answering services charge a fixed monthly fee that includes a certain amount of agent work time minutes. Additional minutes are billed on a per-minute basis. This is a good option for businesses as they are billed only for the time used.
When you research call answering services, you should take into account how that company treats its employees.
Company culture is important at i24. We treat our team members with the same respect we treat our clients.
You won’t have a happy customer with having a happy employee. i24 is known for its progressive employee recognition programs. There’s a reason we have one of the highest employee retention rates in the industry. We go out of our way to make every person on our team feel they matter – just as we want our clients to feel the same way.
The quality of your customer service is predicated on human-to-human connections. When your customers call you, they reach a live human being – not a bot – who is professionally trained to be your company’s best first impression.
Check out our FAQ page for how call answering services can save you money and your sanity.