Gary’s Quotes of the Month – Inspirational Gems for August
We love quotes.
We use them to express our feelings in greeting cards, to impress our friends with how smart we are and to hang in the air to denote irony.

Image Memes – often containing misquotes – flow in our social streams like leaves on a brook.
Whether they’re inspirational quotes that nudge us back on track or quotes that break our days with a welcome laugh – wise or witty, they light our way.


Each first day of the month, Gary Blair, President of Image24, publishes a list of quotes to inspire us throughout the coming 30 or 31 days.
(February, with the least number of days, needs inspiration the most.)


Gary writes in his intro that August is the month when Christopher Columbus first set sail across the Atlantic ocean.
He apparently set in motion what would become the summer holiday activity of traveling to new and unfamiliar places!

(Thankfully, with less disastrous repercussions on native populations.)


Here are Gary’s quotes for August:

[clickToTweet tweet=”Democracy requires compromise even when you’re 100% right. – Barack Obama ” quote=”Democracy requires compromise even when you’re 100% right. – Barack Obama “]


[clickToTweet tweet=”There are decades when nothing happens. There are weeks when decades happen. – Vladimir Lenin” quote=”There are decades when nothing happens. There are weeks when decades happen. Vladimir Lenin”]



[clickToTweet tweet=”Never believe your best days are behind you. You may just need to reach farther ahead. Tay Zonday” quote=”Never believe that your best days are behind you. You may just need to reach farther ahead. Tay Zonday”]


[click_to_tweet tweet=”My grandmother taught me:  Never cut what you can untie.  Leave people better than you found them.  And always try to exit better than you entered someone’s life. Sophie A. Nelson” quote=”My grandmother taught me:  Never cut what you can untie.  Leave people better than you found them.  And always try to exit better than you entered someone’s life. Sophie A. Nelson” theme=”style2″]


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.  Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. Hal Borland” quote=”Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience.  Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. Hal Borland” theme=”style2″]


[clickToTweet tweet=”Fear is not a wall but an emotion. And like all emotions, it can be overcome. Gwen Goldsby Grant” quote=”Fear is not a wall but an emotion. And like all emotions, it can be overcome. Gwen Goldsby Grant”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”Life is problems. Living is solving problems. Raymond E. Feist” quote=”Life is problems. Living is solving problems. Raymond E. Feist”]



[clickToTweet tweet=”Sometimes losing everything is the only way to begin. K. Kiser” quote=”Sometimes losing everything is the only way to begin. K. Kiser”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”Think before you speak. Read before you think. Fran Lebowitz” quote=”Think before you speak. Read before you think. – Fran Lebowitz”]


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Add persistence to patience, you get perseverance.  Multiply perseverance, you get success. Manuela George-Izunwa” quote=”Add persistence to patience, you get perseverance.  Multiply perseverance, you get success. Manuela George-Izunwa” theme=”style2″]


[click_to_tweet tweet=”As a job seeker, remember this:  You only lack experience if they want it done the same old way. Robert Brault” quote=”As a job seeker, remember this:  You only lack experience if they want it done the same old way. Robert Brault” theme=”style2″]

[clickToTweet tweet=”After the ship has sunk, everyone knows how she might have been saved. – Proverb” quote=”After the ship has sunk, everyone knows how she might have been saved. – Proverb”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”There’s no such thing as ready; there’s only willing. – Rachel Cohn ” quote=”There’s no such thing as ready; there’s only willing. Rachel Cohn “]


[clickToTweet tweet=”People value people who value people. -Tony Curl” quote=”People value people who value people. Tony Curl”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. – Scott Adams” quote=”Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”Excuses are used to justify leaving the scene of truth without changing. – Orrin Woodward” quote=”Excuses are used to justify leaving the scene of truth without changing. Orrin Woodward”]


[clickToTweet tweet=”No one knows less than the person who knows it all. Hugh Gloster” quote=”No one knows less than the person who knows it all. Hugh Gloster”]


And we leave you with this.




A “breakdown” is when you’ve exhausted every option and have no choice but to accept the fact that you are powerless to create the outcome you want.  A “breakthrough” has the same definition. – Paul Colaianni